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 Boost Water Clarification without Harmful Chemicals


Agua Cruda IMG-20170523-WA0004.jpg

The Water as entering into the HSA® System

Agua Tratada HSA IMG-20171110-WA0000 (2)
Efecto HSA 4 IMG-20170605-WA0005_edited.

The same water as delivered by the HSA® system

The clear Water delivered by the HSA® System

Prevención de Incrustaciones
Remoción de Depósitos
Fluidificación de Lodos y Depósitos
Fluidificación de Sedimentos y Precipitados
Protección de Aguas y Torres de Enfriamiento
Protección de Fuentes Hídricas
Protección de Membranas, Resinas y Medios en Equipos de Purificación de Aguas
Optimización de Acueductos
Filtración Especializada
Laguna Clarificada
Crecimiento fuerte y acelerado
Full & Smart chemical-free maintenance solutions for Pipeline, Boiler, Cooling Tower, Steam generator, Heat Recovery/Heat Exchanger & Large Engine Cooling Systems
Boost Water Clarification without Harmful Chemicals
Secure DI, RO, UF, Nano/Micro cross-filtration membrane surface cleanliness w/o Chemicals
Keep GAC/Sand Filter Media pollution & Sediment free with HSA conditioning Devices 
Devices for Sediment/BioPollution/Iron/Scale removal Applications
HSA® Enhances Oil & TSS removal in Oilfield for:

Produced Water Piping & Tanking

Crude Oil Heaters & Separators

Oil Plate Coalescers

DAF/DGF Solids Floatation Systems


Produce sparkling Clearwater with:

HSA® already integrated Technology Water Treatment Plants for Residual, Produced, Potable and Cooling water.


HSA® enhances standard Plant 

concentration capability for mud Drying and Disposal treatment.

News & Publications



Fluidized Scale Slurry due to HSA® effect
HSA® Hydrogen activation devices allow hard dense sticky scale clusters & Layers to be readily transformed into a non-adhesive highly cohesive Fluidized SLURRY that settles out to the bottom of the vessel wherefrom is progressively dumped out of the heating or cooling system.

A Fluidized scale slurry is showed in the picture at the left.




Clean Boiler due to HSA® effect

Previously heavily scale clustered Boiler stays clean after HSA® hydrogen activation which boosts scale cluster removal. Note watermarks remaining on the firetubes showing the non-adhesive condition of the settled out scale slurry.


HSA® Clean firetubes prevent fuel overuse and yield big Money savings!

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